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'This is exactly what we want to be doing': A friar's life in Brooklyn during coronavirus'
From  the Catholic News Agency, April 25, 2020:
Brother Tim Buckley's brother, Father Brendan Buckley, OFM Cap., was cited for his work at his parish, St. Michael – St. Malachy, Brooklyn NY, under very trying conditions that have claimed the lives of several religious.
Click the photo below to read Fr. Buckley's story.  Knights support is mentioned around halfway down the text.  Notice that all three gentlemen in the food drive picture are wearing KC shirts.
Council 7121 made a $250 donation to the Blessed Solanus Casey Food Pantry at St. Michael - St. Malachy parish through Fr. Brendan Buckley.  We received a thank you letter from Fr. Buckley, as given in the pdf document on the right, below:
Another priest from St. Michael-St. Malachy Parish, Fr. Michael Gelfant, discusses K of C charity on national television.
The Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative has resulted in Knights’ donation of a million dollars across the United States' various dioceses, including $50,000 to Catholic Charities to hold a pop-up food pantry that served over 1000 families around the St. Michael-St. Malachy parish on April 24.  Click the picture at right to watch the video.
From Tim Buckley:  St. Michael-St. Malachy also has another connection to St. Anastasia. Father Tim's family comes from that parish and the family history goes back over a hundred years there. The Lindenfelser family has gone on to live in other places, but my brother provided pictures to Fr. Tim's of his family's houses. They are still in good use across the street and right behind the church - an amazing connection.
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